Products and Services
Products and Service
Phungo ICT Solutions has strong relationship with its suppliers to insure reliable delivery to its clients, so to meet the set targets of the client. With partnership with suppliers like Pinnacle Africa, Tarsus, Axiz, First Distribution and 3M who have a nationwide and SADEC region footprint it makes it easier for us to reach all corners of the country were our clients a situated. The technical background and more than 10 years’ experience of the industry and extra resources from our partners, will make sure that all installations and configurations of all equipment is to clients expectations.
ICT Infrastructure
Data Centre design and implementation
Access flooring (Lindner Raised Flooring)
Bandwidth Optimization
Application Monitoring Solutions
Structured cabling Design and implementation (3M, ADC Krone and Molex) Fire
Suppression System (3M Nove1230 and Halon 1301)
Fire, moisture and dust Detection (C-Tech and Techno switch)
Network Management Policy and Implementation
Fiber Network Implementation
WebSphere MQ
WebSphere MQ on Distributed Platforms (Installation, Administration & Support)
WebSphere MQFTE on Distributed Platforms (Installation, Administration & Support)
WebSphere Message Broker on Distributed Platforms (Installation, Administration & Support)WebSphere Application Server on Distributed Platforms (Installation, Administration & Support)
Policy and Procedures
Change Control Procedures
Configuration Management and Procedure
Software Version Control Procedures
Asset Management Policies
Drafting SLA
Please contact us for more information!
Wi-Fi Solution
Bus Wi-Fi systems powered by BeamOS. An open system built specifically for Beam bus Wi-Fi systems by Mobile Onboard. Designed to give you the power to do what you want to do with your connected Bus, Taxi, Boat and Airoplance.